
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Slowly Grasping the Ropes

So I was watching some old Sprinkle of Glitter videos whilst laying around(are we noticing my obsession yet?) and I saw this little gem. I thought, hm, Louise is quite successful, this can't hurt me a bit. So I watched her and Zoe talk about blogging galore and it occurred to me that a few changes are over due.
For one, I had to make sure that my Blog Lovin' thing that properly functioning. It is now, so if you would like to follow me in that way, it's available. ALSO I've set up a Google+ account and linked it here, somehow. Dunno what I did exactly, but now you can follow my profile over there are be updated whenever I post something new. Just have a little look see at the side bar thing of my blog and you'll find those. It didn't even occur to me that people might have a hard time following me before I watched that video. Goodness me, I'm an idiot.
Also, I've managed to construct a somewhat shoddy banner(the name thing at the top) and coordinate some colors. Hopefully my blog is easy on the eyes and the font is easily readable. I fear it might have looked nice before but was rather hard to read, so I've changed it up a bit. 
Okay so if you've got a relatively new blog, like I have, or if you are thinking about starting a blog, I've got a couple of resources for you. Just a few... So there's that video I mentioned earlier on. It's done here on Louise's video and here on Zoe's. Also, for a bit more technical advice, you can look at Wonder Forest, by Dana. I recommend this post on creating a banner/header thing, which I followed the advice of. But she actually has a whole section on her blog, here, that is all about blogging. These ladies know way more than I do, and I thought that I might just try and share with you all incase you needed any help.
I want to quickly apologize about having very wordy posts the last few days. I'd love to beef them up with some pictures, but I've been having some troubles, as you can see here. I also created this post because I really felt motivated to. Getting this blog to be something that I'm even mildly proud of has been hard and time consuming, but so worth it. I've also just figured out how to properly add links into my blogs, so I've been going a little link crazy...

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