
Friday, January 24, 2014

Photo Frustrations

So I'm a new-ish blogger, and along with that I'm a relatively inexperienced photographer. As I go about reading the blogs I love, I see these amazing, beautiful photos and I die a bit on the inside. On one hand, I love to look at them, bot on the other, I feel saddened/jealous because my abilities are no where near theirs.
Of course I remind myself that they are more experienced than me and it should all come with time and practice, but that doesn't make it any easier. Sometimes I'll plan out a post and when I go to photograph it, it all looks so bad that I just give up. I've only published about eight posts on here, but I've written out about fifteen and while some are waiting to be posted, others have been scrapped because of the photos.

Alright, let's turn this post around into something a bit more positive! Dana, who writes Wonder Forest, just had a post with some of here photography. But really, you can look through any of her stuff and be blown away. Also, Megs, who writes Wonderful You, always has lovely pictures as well. I particularly liked this post. Last, I want to say that Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter inspires me. She's such an amazing lady who has come so far in her photo taking skills. I mean, look at this lovely post. Round of applause ladies. I'll keep you each in mind as I work on my own skills.
So, who inspires you when it comes to blogging? And have you heard of these three? They're great and I couldn't recommend them enough.

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