
Thursday, February 6, 2014

a Winter Rant

I am so incredibly uninspired as of the moment. So uninspired. I think I have that thing that you get in the winter when your kind of depressed. When I'm at home, I just sleep. I've done nothing productive in a couple of weeks, not on this blog or in real life.
So I first want to say that I feel really guilty for not posting anything here for an entire week. I'm going to try a lot harder to produce some really quality content. I have an exciting post brewing in my brain that should come toward the end of next week. I also think that I'm going to do something more or less valentines related, even though I'm single... so unfortunately single.
Okay, let's get on with the rant. I'm basically going to name all of the things that I hate about the winter, so prepare yourself from some full on negativity.

-My lips remain chapped for the entire season. No matter what I do, no matter how I try, there's nothing that I can do about it. 

-Sometimes, my car doors get frozen shut. It's difficult to get inside of my car. Today, I couldn't actually open my back doors, so I had to pull all of my stuff out(including my million pound backpack) from the front, which was a pain in the butt.

-Have you ever felt that feeling when your walking and the cold air is blowing directly at your face? It feels like your suffocating and you can't get a breath for the life of you. It's so scary. I've decided it's probably my least favorite feeling ever.

-Just driving in general sucks. It takes me almost twice as long to get everywhere, and I already have an issue getting places on time.

-I wish I didn't have to wear so many layers. In the summer, you can walk around barely wearing anything and your good to go, but in the winter you need like three coats and a sweater and big boots. I just want to not have to wear so many clothes.

-I never get much of a tan on, but right now I'm translucently pale. I'm having a hard time finding a foundation that is light enough for me, so I've been going pretty much makeup-less.

-The hot water at my house runs out very quickly. I like a long shower or a full bath, but the water heater thing in my house just isn't allowing for it.

-It's a workout to walk through the snow. You slip around everywhere and almost fall on your face about every ten steps. I just want it to be warm... please.

So that's it. I'm sorry that there's nothing else that I have to talk about right now. Whenever I even try to think of the makeup related things that I could do, I go completely blank... However, like I said, there are some other things that are coming up next week.
So my question for you is what are your least favorite things about the winter that I missed? Do you agree with any of the things that I listed? Maybe you have some favorites that you would like to share.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Emily, sorry about your winter problems. Hopefully the weather will get warmer for you soon. I live in the Caribbean and it's usually extremely hot. Two extremes eh? Although constant winter sounds really tough, I would love to switch places with you for a week or so. I really like snow. Experienced it once but the chapped lips part is no fun. Hang in there. You're not alone.
